The donor needs to request a matching gift from their company, they are either provided a paper form in HR dept or it is on the website from their company. For a manual form,  the donor makes the request to match a donation, they fill out the form provided by their company and  they send that partially completed form to our office. When we receive the form from the donor, we (CFF) fill out the bottom portion by verifying the gift and providing a copy of our 501c3 and whatever information is requested on the form from the non-profit and then we send it back to the corporation to match. 

​Some corporations do all of their matching requests and verifications online through their own website. When a donor makes a request to match through the company’s website, the company then sends an email to me to verify the gift online. All the donor should need for any matching gift is our name (CFF), address/contact info, the amount of their donation and date of their donation. 

There isn’t a form that CFF provides.

​We are so glad you are working on reminding your donors that many companies match donations. Many people forget that their company matches and it’s a great way to increase donations!

How to double your donations!