DFAC Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser California Experience for Divers and Non divers

This is a cooperative effort with Andy Taylor of Blue Water Hunter http://www.blueh20.com in Santa Barbara and Eric Bowman owner of the Peace Dive Boat http://www.peaceboat.com/Free-Dive-p/09-08-14.htm

Diving Trip Leader: Joshua Russo

Non Diving Trip Leader: Colleen Gallagher


Divers $330 to DFAC and separate $100 tax deductible payment to Cystic Fibrosis. (Trip is limited to 8 applicants)

Non Divers $180 to DFAC and separate $100 tax deductible payment to Cystic Fibrosis (Trip is limited to 8 applicants)

Proceeds to be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. DFAC will team up with divers and non divers to fundraise for children with Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is a debilitating disease that can permanently restrict a child’s ability to breathe efficiently. What a perfect relationship, free divers who celebrate the duration of their breath holds under the water, reaching out to help children who struggle to catch their breath everyday with Cystic Fibrosis

​For the Divers- Experience the PEACE boat, a well established charter boat that departs Ventura Harbor and explores the Channel Islands out to the famed Cortes Banks. In the lush kelp beds off the coast of California there is a variety of pacific coastal fish for the experienced diver to hunt. Catalina blues, sheepshead, yellowtail, calicos and the elusive white sea bass are just a few of the species hiding in this kelp forest.

The divers will experience two days of diving with the PEACE live aboard, out at the Channel Islands and the famous Cortes Banks, diving 3-4 sites each day, meals and non alcoholic beverages. Final trip destination is determined by the Captain based on diving conditions and the most recent fish sightings.

September 7th: Divers will depart from Ventura Harbor on the Peace. Be ready to depart by 8pm

September 8th: Divers will dive all day at 3 or 4 various good locations

September 9th: Divers dive all day and return home into the dock at Ventura Harbor at 6pm

Divers are responsible for their own gear, fishing license and their own transportation to and from the Ventura harbor. DFAC will help coordinate the travel for those who request it.

Non divers will enjoy the wonders of the San Francisco Bay Area and Monterey: Participants are chauffeured around the town, enjoying the sights. Treated to wine tasting and dinners Sunday and Monday

September 7th: The participants are treated to a local wine tasting and delicious salmon dinner!

September 8th: The excursion takes them to San Francisco, where they are chauffeured to Union Square to shop and sightsee, ride a cable car, cross the Golden Gate Bridge, and finish the day with a light dinner at Fishermen’s Wharf.

September 9th: Off to Monterey, where the participants are chauffeured to the various destination spots in Monterey with options for a discounted trip into the Monterey bay Aquarium, or try kayaking or biking. All at the participants discretion. 

Non divers are responsible for their own shopping and sightseeing costs in San Francisco and Monterey. DFAC covers the transportation, wine tasting, salmon dinner and Fishermen’s Wharf dinner.

September 10th: Divers and Non divers will all reunite on Wednesday night the 10th, for a casual dinner at Colleen Gallagher’s home to celebrate the fundraising for Cystic Fibrosis!

September 11th: the group can sight-see or relax.

September 12: Cystic Fibrosis SF Giants

Please RSVP if you are interested in attending the Giants Game on Friday Sept 12. The tickets are purchased directly through CF and they are $50 per person and $27 is a tax deduction to Cystic Fibrosis. DFAC will help chauffeur participants to the event.

CF Awareness night with the SF Giants! Team up with the Local CF community to help raise awareness about cystic fibrosis as we watch our San Francisco Giants take on their rival, the Los Angeles Dodgers. Tickets are $50 each ( $27 is tax deductible to CF) Seats are limited

Divers and non divers are responsible for their own airfare, hotel accommodations in BayArea and car rental if they desire. DFAC will help with coordination of hotel accommodations for those that request it.

Divers can travel with Trip leader Joshua Russo from San Francisco Bay Area to Ventura Peace Boat and the non divers will be traveling to the Bay Area excursions from Redwood City Area with Colleen Gallagher.

Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk Form must be submitted with payment.

Registration deadline is April 25, 2014 with all forms

​Payment is due April 30, 2014


I understand that Diving For A Cause will incur costs associated with airfare, lodging, and other accommodations to facilitate my participation in this event. I further understand that all of these costs are nonrefundable to DFAC. As such, in the event of my cancellation, I recognize that any and all fees paid to Diving For A Cause in payment of my participation shall be non-refundable.

Cost: $430 for Divers, $280 for non Divers


Dates: September 7 - 10, 2014

Cortes Banks  — California